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Mommy Needs A Break, Not Booze.

As a mother, it can feel like our days never end. From the early morning wake-ups to the late-night feedings, there's always something to do. We're constantly pulled in different directions, trying to balance the needs of our children, partner, work, and household. And throughout it all, we're told that one way to cope with the stress and pressure of motherhood is to turn to alcohol. However, while alcohol may seem like a quick and easy solution, it can be more harmful than helpful. Let's explore why alcohol isn't the answer, and how we can prioritize "me time" moments without relying on booze.

Motherhood can be overwhelmingThere's no denying that. It's natural to want to find ways to relax and unwind, especially after a particularly long day. However, turning to alcohol isn't the solution. While it may provide temporary relief from stress and anxiety, in the long run, it can actually exacerbate these feelings. Alcohol is a depressant, meaning it slows down the...

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